In False Witness, Andrew Grant’s third installment of his Cooper Devereaux series, the bodies of young women wrapped up like birthday presents are being delivered across the city of Birmingham, Alabama, and Devereaux is in a race against the clock to prevent more murders Photo of Andrew Grant ©Carrie Schechter
Posts Tagged: in the company of sherlock holmes
Episode 40: Denise Hamilton
The author of the Eve Diamond series of mysteries, editor of volumes one and two of Los Angeles Noir anthologies of short stories whose settings are in Southern California and contributor to In the Company of Sherlock Holmes anthology of short stories talks about mysteries, the dark side of sunny SoCal beaches and perfume … Read more »
The Mysterious Scent of Selene in Robert Olen Butler’s “The Star of Istanbul”
Just what was that perfume—described as a combination of fresh mown hay, musk and lavender—Selene Bourgani wore that so captured Christopher Marlowe Cobb when he met her on the Lusitania? We asked Denise Hamilton, award-winning mystery writer and perfumista This is how Robert Olen Butler describes the scent that so intrigued Kit Cobb, “Nothing… Read more »
Episode 22: Laurie R. King
The writer of the Mary Russell-Sherlock Holmes series of mysteries talks to Leslie Klinger and Nancie Clare about projects past, present and future. Laurie talks about her next Mary Russell-Sherlock Holmes mystery, Dreaming Spies; the creative highs and lows of writing a series; Career Day, the stand alone thriller scheduled for publication in… Read more »